Leslie Brooks
BDD Coach, Major US Defense Contractor
Leslie has extensive experience with QA and has automated testing in more languages than he can remember. He has constantly searched for more efficient methodologies and tools for automation and has trained and led teams in new and innovative automation technologies. His favorite anecdote is about the test that he reduced from 30 minutes (automated by someone else) to 90 seconds (automated better).
In his constant drive to test better, faster, and cheaper tomorrow than today, Leslie was an early adopter of Specification by Example/BDD, and has used it to transform three different organizations. He has trained more than 300 Business Analysts, Developers, and Testers in the correct use of SBE, including using it to deliver automated tests while the developers are still writing the code. In his current job he is applying SBE to data science applications, and loving the challenge and the fast pace of learning.
Leslie currently works for a top 3 US Defense Contractor. He has a Bachelor's in Math/Computer Science, MBA and holds a couple of patents for in-circuit hardware testing. Leslie is a long-time member of AQAA, always active in the testing community, and currently serves as a board member.
My Sessions
Mon, September 19, 2022
3:15 pm - 4:15 pm
Don't Write Bug Tickets!
Everyone agrees that we shouldn't do things that don't add value to our development process. I think we don't need bug tickets, and shouldn't spend any time writing them - if we first change our development process so that bug tickets don't add any value. Come find out how to do that, and then spend your time doing valuable things!
1) The disadvantages of tracking bugs
2) How SBE can eliminate the need to track bugs
3) How to implement SBE and eliminate the time spent tracking bugs
Thur, September 22
1:00 pm - 2:30 pm